For my Grand-daughters

It is so important that as creative people, we support one another. I love art and artists! I love to fill my house with art. Today’s blog features the work of several artists’ work that I have collected specifically for my grand-daughters room. Some of the work, they have helped pick out, too, which I know they will cherish long after I leave this realm. 

This first piece I bought at one of the TMCC student art shows. It is a pen and ink drawing “The Companions” by Sharon E. Johnson. This piece reminds me of my daughter Becca and her baby girl Emsley.

“The Companions” by Sharon E. Johnson

Speaking of Emsley – Last year we took her out for a day of art adventuring. First, we visited The Holland Project and she was able to make some little art pieces and talk with artists. We also had tamales and ice cream…super yummy. We did take a little time out and had our hair cut and then went over to the Sierra Arts reception.  Emsley fell in love with the work of Joanna Drakos. I had seen two of her pieces at the Reno Tahoe International Art Show earlier and in the end bought them for Emsley.

A fun adventure with Emlsey, Sep. 2023

Joanna Drakos, The Passion of the Lovers I and The Passion of Lovers II, 2021, Acrylic on Canvas

One of the first pieces acquired for the girls room was from one of my amazing students, Ashley Gottlieb. I have been so lucky to have her as a student and to watch her art career just soar.

This next piece was chosen by Madelyn. It was a piece I bought from one of my portfolio emphasis students and was hanging in a different room. She really wanted it in her room, so we did move it. “Emory’s Peacock” 24”x24” is a digital print created by Lindsay Moore. She had her solo show at Liberty Fine Art Gallery and I bought it at the opening.

A recent acquisition for this room is a pair of monotypes created by Frances Melhop. These pieces remind me of history and nostalgia. I was attracted to Whisper #2 because of the trace elements of a girl riding her horse. It reminded me of our place out in Palomino Valley. Whisper #4 reminded me of my grandma. I’m hoping that it reminds Emsley and Madelyn of me.

Whisper #2 Whispers Across Time… series 2021 Monotype, 18” x 18” Ink + oil paint on BFK Rives.

Whisper #4 Whispers Across Time… series 2021 Monotype, 18” x 18” Ink + oil paint on BFK Rives.

Speaking of Grandma—This painting was created by my mom. She created it for my daughter Alexandria. Alexandria asked me to hold on to it for Madelyn. It is the very first artwork that was placed in the girls room and Emsley chose where it would be placed.

Carla Bravo “Mermaid” for Alexandria Nicol, 1995.

Candace Garlock

As an artist, Candace Nicol Garlock uses an array of mediums in her work. The coalescence of printmaking techniques, painting, photography (and sculpture, too!) overlap and converge with color, texture and line in a collaboration of mixed, experimental beauty. With her appreciation of the interconnectedness of everything, she elevates relationships: human and environment, human and animal, human and human. She writes, “my multilayered compositions posit engaging questions to viewers regarding relationships, social identities, and societal issues surrounding the female gaze.”

Garlock's mentorship in student advancement, both artistically and professionally, as well as her engagement and participation in community events makes her a true ambassador of art. She draws inspiration from the collaboration of those around her, through the interplay with students, and continually is organizing collaborative projects. A renown printmaker whose work has been shown nationally and internationally, she has received multiple awards including the Reno Tahoe Artist Best in Sculpture/3-D Artworks in 2022, Best of Show and Best in 2D Mixed Media in 2023 and Best in 2-D Artworks in 2024, the Nevada Regents’ Creative Activity Award in 2017, the Nevada Arts Council Artist Fellowship in 2009 and an honorable mention in Printmaking Today in 2008, a review of fine art printmaking in Abruzzo, Italy. Nicol’s work can also be seen in 100 Artists of the Male Figure by E.Gibbons. Her work is included in many prestigious collections including the Kinsey Institute, Zuckerman Museum of Art, Rutgers Center for Innovative Print and Paper, Nevada Arts Council, and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.

For good luck and the search for awe


Emails with Isaac